South Yorkshire voters beware – Vote SDP, get Nigel Farage!
In 122 UK constituencies in the forthcoming election the ballot paper will include candidates from the cosy-sounding Social Democratic Party. This outfit, however, is nothing…
Neo-nazis and far right groups rally round English Democrats election campaign
The English Democrats, a nominally multiracial party that campaigns for an English Parliament, have made an unprecedented electoral pact with some of Britain’s most hardline…
Reform candidate for Blaenau Gwent and Rhymney forced to stand down One down – a Reform candidate who retweeted Britain First and supported the ‘Great Replacement’ theory. How many more before this campaign is over?…
More Reform candidates ‘friends’ with New British Union leader, Raikes
Seems like many more Reform candidates than just Robert Kenyon are Facebook friends with Gary Raikes, leader of New British Union. Good Law Project reports…
UKIP stand candidate in Clacton after pledge to withdraw
We just can’t let this pass: only a few days ago, UKIP said they were withdrawing from 7 seats to help out Nigel Farage and…