Author Archives: Searchlight Team

Support players who ‘take the knee’ at England vs Scotland match

Stand up to Racism are calling on people to support England and Scotland players ‘taking the knee’ ahead of tomorrow’s EURO match, Friday 18th June 2021.

Tweet in support of England and Scotland players on Friday 8pm (BST) using the #TakeTheKnee & #BlackLivesMatter as well as the #Euro2020 & #ENGSCO

The New Immigration Plan CONSULTATION ENDS 6th May 2021

Please consider responding to the governments 6 week Consultation on the most wide-ranging changes to the immigration system in the UK which seeks to remove rights from those seeking asylum and increase the use of detention centres and considers removal to the third country whilst claims are being considered.

Enter a response to the Consultation on the government website here

Consider signing the Refugee Action Open Letter to the Home Secretary, Priti Patel, outlining concerns regarding the content of the proposals and the way the consultation is being carried out here