Former BNP candidate takes college to court for firing him
Richard Barnbrook has managed to get himself in the news again as the report below from the Bournemouth Echo reveals. The writer has overlooked some…
Jew-hating fascists and their Iranian sponsors gather in Tehran for their fourth international hate fest
An international gathering of mainly Iranian and Italian antisemitic fascists opened in the Iranian capital Tehran on 17 May under the title “On the brink…
Holocaust-denying German lawyer Horst Mahler on the run – now arrested in Hungary
STOP PRESS 15 May at 17.45 News has emerged in the past hour that Mahler has been arrested in Hungary and intends to ask Prime…
The growing Nazi axis
At the end of February 2017 an international Nazi conference took place in Stockholm organised by the National Socialist publishing group Arktos Media. Some of…
Never Again! 50 years since the Greek military coup
The Greek Solidarity Campaign has sent us this report of its commemorative event. On Friday 28 April almost 100 activists and veterans gathered at the…