The far right’s favourite batshit preacher – big mates with Laurence Fox, Katie Hopkins and Tommy Robinson (no relation) – has decided to up sticks and quit the UK for pastures new. Or, rather, a parish new, though he won’t yet tell us where it is.
He is of course, a ‘reverend’ in the sense that when he was turned down for ordination by the C of E, he found an obscure Scandinavian Catholic sect, the Nordic Catholic Church, to perform the necessaries.
Robinson has no love of Islam, to put it mildly, but we have to say it’s still a stretch to believe that he’s leaving, as he claims, because “the Mohammedans have put out a fatwah to get us all killed…”
We can only wish his new flock well. They’ll need it.

But, in the meantime, a question: Robinson has recently been crowdfunding to buy Torsa, an island off the west coast of Scotland, to prevent it falling into the hands of ‘Islamic hate preachers’ and turn it into a Christian retreat. “A fiver for the Kingdom” he pleads.
He needed £1.5 million and, to date, has raised £130k. So, on this matter – which he didn’t quite touch upon in his ‘I quit’ online broadcast today – we simply ask: what’s going to happen to this project?
And what’s going to happen to the money…?