Britain’s fascists are getting a bit exercised by Keir Starmer’s appointment of Richard Hermer, KC, as the new Labour government’s Attorney General.
For Mark Collett of Patriotic Alternative, it is enough that Mr Hermer is proudly Jewish to provoke a disapproving comment.
However, had he managed to read to the end of the Jewish Chronicle profile which revealed this shocking fact, he would also have learned that Mr Hermer was also, in his younger days, a Searchlight volunteer. As a student in Manchester, he was an active and dedicated anti-fascist working closely with Searchlight.
That further revelation did not, however, escape the eagle eye of Heritage and Destiny deputy editor, Peter Rushton, who recorded it on his Real History blog, albeit without comment.
Later in his career, Richard also helped Searchlight with occasional legal advice and was a patron of Searchlight Research Associates. We are proud to count him amongst our friends, and we offer our very warmest congratulations on his appointment.
It’s a terrific signing…